Ira Epstein's Core Charting Course

Given the volatile state of world economies, public interest in the Futures Markets is very keen. Now may be the time for you to take the step to learn a simple, yet highly disciplined technical approach to the Futures Markets. Ira's approach is easy to learn and most importantly, it's easy to implement and is consistent. Simply click on either of the images below to view a short, detailed video explanation.

The risk of loss in trading commodities can be substantial. Trading Futures is not suitable for everyone.

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Purchasing Ira Epstein's Core Charting Course


Click here to purchase the course

Included with each Course:

  • 37 videos that teach you to understand how to plot and use the 5-technical indicators that make up our trading discipline:
    • Swinglines
    • Moving Averages
    • Slow Stochastics
    • Bollinger Bands
    • Window Envelopes
  • 37 video chapters, each video is approximately 7 1/2 minutes long
  • A special course edition of Linn-IraCharts, our charting software
  • Swinglines, a technical indicator Ira developed to help define market trend and risk
  • There is a robust "Paper Trading" platform included in Linn-IraCharts
  • Streaming Quotes on Futures, Option on Futures, Stocks and ETFs
  • Access to Ira's Private Webinar Recordings... These Webinars are not available to the public. These recordings, which Ira typically produces several times a week, are the way you keep your teachings ingrained. Think of them as your private "Check and Balance" meeting with Ira
  • Access to Ira's Daily Mid-Day Video Recordings on Stock Indices and the Metal Markets
  • A smart phone application that allows you to access; quotes, place orders, read futures market news, view weather maps related to the futures markets, listen to oral market commentary, Ira's Videos and Webinars
  • Ira's Twice Daily Market Commentaries, accessed through Linn-IraCharts, QT Market Center the Ira Epstein Website or through your smart phone
  • The course DVD contains access to Exchange Brochures and Trading Books which contain chapters on: Market Terminology, Margins, Chart Patterns, a history of futures trading, a "Cause and Effect" graphic that pertains to impacts on interest rates and more

10-Day Money Back Guarantee & Free Updates!

If you are not satisfied with the course, just call and return it within 10 Days of your date of purchase for a refund. The refund will not include shipping charges.

Ira does course updates. New course updates include new video chapters and when applicable, new trading ideas. Past purchasers who did not return the course are legacies. As such, legacies pay a substantially reduced price when and as Ira issues new versions of his charting course. What could be fairer?

These DVD videos are active for 30-days once you have activated them using your issued serial number. Our experience has shown that most students learn Ira's charting technique within 30-days. All of the other components on the DVD will stay active indefinitely. If you need more video time, you can make arrangement for that. The DVD is designed to ONLY run on the computer that it was first activated on. This course will only run on a Windows Operating system. Parallel's Desktop may work as an alternative if you are using a Mac computer.

Click here to purchase the course