Customer Trade Statements
By clicking here or the link at the bottom of this page customers can retrieve their:
- Daily Trade Statements
- Monthly Trade Statements
- 1099 Forms
Your User ID is your full, 8-digit account number with no hyphen. LNG must be placed in front of your account number (Example: LNG12345)
When you first fund your trading account you will be issued a Temporary Password. If you haven't received it or don't know it call our Customer Service Department between the hours of 8:00 AM Central Time through 3:00 PM Central Time Monday through Friday at
866 973 3681.
You will be issued a User ID and Temporary Password. Once entered by you our systems will redirect you to the page where you will' be asked to enter a permanent Password of your choice. Once done, your web browser will be redirected to the "Statement" part of the website.
Click here to view your past Trade Statements and 1099 Forms.